Sunday, March 21, 2010

Aid Station

You may have noticed I have not posted in a while due to still nursing injuries...went to a chiropractor and got inserts, and then when my shin splints were still throbbing went to a sports medicine family doctor to get them looked at and x-rayed to rule out hairline fractures. Lovely. Have been trying to make up for the lack of running (was told to take two weeks off) by swimming, using the elyptical trainer and taking spin classes- supposedly an hour of spinning has the same cardiovascular benefit as running 5 miles. Hmm...spinning is not that difficult for me whereas running 5 miles is like- well, it's not easy.

The team went on a trolley run, where they took over two trolleys used just for Team in Training runners, were dropped off at another trolley location, and ran back. I thought it was so cool and disappointed I couldn't join them! I figured since I couldn't do the run, I would at least help out, so I did an aid station at mile five (and then again at mile seven) for the runners doing the half marathon. It was nice to be able to talk to everyone, and performed some first aid on a runner that wiped out on the sidewalk. I think I'll be carrying some neosporine with me on my runs from now on!

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